Meine Kritik an Putin in Valdai

“Dear Mr. President. I admire your country for its diversity. Diversity, however, sometimes causes contradictions in values. These contradictions require respect between the majority and the minority. I would so much like you to endorse that the beauty of love, whatever its form and expression, is spread all over your country, free of harassment and without fear of getting beaten or killed.”

My remarks/question to President Putin  in Valdai on September 19th, 2013. (starts with a question on Syria)


4 thoughts on “Meine Kritik an Putin in Valdai”

  1. Dear Mr. Mangott!

    Your words at Valdai were pretty impressing! Thanks for adressing these words to Putin! He desperately searched for a way out of his misery but didn`t find one. Keep your strong mind up! It`s the right way!


  2. Da musste er ganz schön im Kreis reden. Schade, dass sich scheinbar nicht die Gelegenheit bot, dem Herrn Präsidenten zu erklären, dass Russland so in den Fokus geriet, weil es als einziges westliches Land wesentliche _Verschlechterungen_ für Homosexuelle implementierte.

    Dennoch lieben Dank, Herr Mangott, für’s Ansprechen und für den Link!

  3. Dear everybody,
    I think this was very brave to ask such a deep-going questions as the second one, I really appreciate this! I am suprised that Mr. Putin took so much time for the answer, but his answer for me indicates how complicated situations are sometimes for people and for whole societies when talking about human rights and freedom for people.
    A former student

  4. The answer was pretty expected and logical. Homosexuals not wanted because they are not producing taxpayers or soldiers. Motivation for homiphobic is the fear of decimilization. big ego small sprit-
    It´s a pitty the vid with his answer has been removed. One of the few true but sad words spoken in politics ;

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